Pasteis de Nata – Portuguese Custards
Posted on October 25, 2007 Filed Under
FoodDo I have a treat for Algarve Buzz readers…literally, this is an exciting post, where I share a little history and recipe of one of the most famous Portuguese deserts of all - Pasteis de Nata “Portuguese Custard Tarts”.
The original recipe for Pasteis de Nata were invented by two Catholic sisters in the convent at the
Mosteiro dos Jerónimos and called Pasteis de Belem, since then the secret recipe has been heavily guarded. Around 1837, clerics from the monetary, set up
Casa Pastéis de Belém, the first shop to sell the pasties, in order to raise money for the monastery that took centuries to build and today is an
UNESCO heritage site. At the time the monetary and shop were easily accessible by ship, allowing tourists to quickly become familiar with Pasteis de Belem, and the news spread quickly.
Today, Pasteis de Belem are more commonly known around the country as Pasteis de Nata, and only the original Pasties de Belem carry the name. The original shop also remains standing today and the Pasties de Belem are still said to be the best. This is definitely a Lisbon must see, and a Portuguese must taste at good pastry shops across the country.
If you can’t get to
Lisbon - the next best thing is to make them at home. I haven’t robbed the vaults at the monastery to get the recipe, but I’ve made these for friends over the years and at the end of our coffee, the only thing left on the plate is cinnamon dust…so confident you’ll enjoy them.
Pasties de NataSource: own ~ makes 12Difficulty: easier than it looks and very rewarding
Prepared puff pasty – defrosted but kept cold1 ¾ cups whole milk¼ cup cream4 egg yolks3 Tbsp white sugarPinch salt2 Tbsp Plain flour½ cinnamon stick2 strips lemon peel½ tsp vanilla extract
Pastry Cream Instructions
In a sauce pan add milk, cream, egg yolks, sugar, salt, flour mix well with a whisk to ensure all the ingredients are well combined, do not turn heat on yet.
Once all ingredients are combined and there are no lumps of sugar or flour add cinnamon stick, lemon peel and vanilla.
Turn heat on to low stirring continuously and gently with whisk. *Note it’s very important to heat the milk slowly, if the milk is heated too quickly, egg yolks could coagulate like scrambled eggs and ruin the consistency of the custard.
Continue stirring until it cream becomes quite thick and resembles a rich pudding. Watch for thickening around the edges of the pan, you want a really smooth cream so make certain to get in the sides and bottom edges of the pan.
Let cool completely. When cooled, remove cinnamon stick and lemon peel.
To avoid milk skin from forming on custard you can place parchment paper on top of warm custard and it will lift out easily when you go to use it to fill puff pasty shells.
Preparing Pastry Shells
Preheat over to 225F (107C).
Roll out cold puff pastry dough with pin on floured surface, until 1/4 cm thick.
Once rolled out thin, dusk off excess flour and begin rolling puff pastry like a long cigar. Roll pastry snugly but not tight, just enough to avoid a lot of space or air pockets in roll.
Place pastry roll length wise and cut in 4cm lengths
Then take each cut piece in hand and push down center of roll to meet center of opposite side, gently press pastry with fingers to spread out dough to create what will feel like half of a hallow pastry ball. Work in circular pattern and pastry will start to thin and from a cup shape. If dough gets sticky use a little flour to help it along. Finished shells should be about 1/4cm, thin but not enough to see your hand through. If you like puff pastry you can make the shells a little thicker, but a couple of tries of the finished version will let you know your preference.
Place pastry in muffin tray, and spread out to sides but don’t stretch dough upward, just gently press against side of muffin tin to ensure it won’t shrink too much when baking.
When all pastry shells are ready fill with pastry cream, do not fill to top. Fill to ¾ or a bit more but leaving 1- 1.5cm at top of pastry.
Place custards in oven and bake for 15min, but keep eye on custards as some ovens can burn top quite quickly, while others don’t cook the pastry quickly enough. If pastry around sides looks deep golden colour pastries are done.
Print RecipePasteis de Nata can be served warm or cold, but highly recommended with a good sprinkle of cinnamon on top. The Portuguese are very particular about their Pasteis de Nata, some people must have theirs more burnt on top, others like them just golden. Regardless of how you have them they are a wonderful addition to an afternoon tea or coffee and can also accompany a
nice port or Madeira. They also make for a great breakfast treat or even on their own as dessert, enjoy!
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Pasties De Nata Pasteis de Nata (Portuguese Custard Tarts) (sanırım milföy tarifi)500 g flour300 g water10 g salt400 g margarine appropriate for pastriesWork the flour with water and salt, make a ball, cut it in theshape of a cross until its middle, pull the 4 sides outwards (forminga 4 point star), place the margarine in the centre and grab thepoints upwards (mix the margarine); with a pastry roller extendthe mixture till up to 40x15 cm, fold 1W3 (simple fold) wait 10minutes and fold again, fold 1x4 (book fold) wait 10 minutes. Extendthe mixture until it gets a thickness of + or - 4 mm, sprinkle withwater in all its extension. Roll it like a tort and with a diameterof + or - 4 cm, cut it in round slices 1 cm thick and place themin the containers, wait 10 minutes. Wet your thumb with water,press the centre of the round slice and push the mixture to thetop of the container. The containers we mean are those of the samesize as custard tarts we buy in pastry shops.Custard cream (difficult): (kreması)1/2 liter skim milk70 g flour (no raising powder)5 g cornflour (Maizena - cornstarch)1/2 liter sugar syrup5 egg yolks1 eggVanilla (a bit)To prepare the sugar syrup: 1 kg sugar, 1/2 liter boiling water. Dissolve the flour and the corn flour in part of the milk, approx.1 dl, boil the remaining of the milk, pour it over the four andmix energetically so that it does not crumble. Add the sugar syrupbit by bit, always stirring. Add the yolks and the egg.Cook at approx. 350F for about 8 minutes, not more.Custard cream (easier):1/2 liter skim milk275 g sugar35 g flour (no raising powder)salt (a bit)margarine (a bit)5 yolks1 eggHeat the milk together with the bit of margarine. In a dry containermix the flour with the sugar and the salt. When the milk startsboiling add the mixture, stirring energetically, take it out ofthe heat and let it cool a bit, add the yolks and the egg; mix abit of vanilla or lemon. Cook in oven at 290F-300F for 8 minutes. Not more or the fillingwill come out of the pastries.
http://www.portuguese-recipes.com/Pasties%20De%20Nata.htm alıntıdır
20 Min
20 Min
40 Min
Original recipe yield: 12 tarts
INGREDIENTS (başka bir tarif)
1 cup milk
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 vanilla bean
1 cup white sugar
6 egg yolks
1 (17.5 ounce) package frozen puff pastry, thawed
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C.) Lightly grease 12 muffin cups and line bottom and sides with puff pastry.
In a saucepan, combine milk, cornstarch, sugar and vanilla. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Place egg yolks in a medium bowl. Slowly whisk 1/2 cup of hot milk mixture into egg yolks. Gradually add egg yolk mixture back to remaining milk mixture, whisking constantly. Cook, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes, or until thickened. Remove vanilla bean.
Fill pastry-lined muffin cups with mixture and bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown and filling is lightly browned on top
http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Portuguese-Custard-Tarts---Pasteis-De-Nata/Detail.aspxCustard cream (difficult): (kreması)1/2 liter skim milk70 g flour (no raising powder)5 g cornflour (Maizena - cornstarch)1/2 liter sugar syrup5 egg yolks1 eggVanilla (a bit)To prepare the sugar syrup: 1 kg sugar, 1/2 liter boiling water.
yarım ingilizcemle yazıyorum hanımlar
muhallebi kreması(zor olan)
yarım litre süt
70 gr.un
5 gr.buğday nişastasu
yarım litre şeker şurubu(şerbet)
5 yumurta sarısı
1 yumurta
extra vanilya
şurup için 1 kg.şekeri yarım litre su ile kaynatın diyor...
Pasteis de Nata (Portuguese Custard Tarts) (milföy tarifi hamuru)portekiz tartı500 g flour300 g water10 g salt400 g margarine appropriate for pastries
500 gr un
300 gr su
10 gr.tuz
400 gr margarin hamur malzemesi bunlar margarini koymayın ayırın diyor.içine konulup açılcak sanırım...
içini margarinle yağlayın 1 cm açın katlayın 10 dk.bekleyin defalarca böle yapın diyo.
Custard cream (easier):(kolay olan krema)
1/2 liter skim milk275 g sugar35 g flour (no raising powder)salt (a bit)margarine (a bit)5 yolks1 egg
kolay krema
yarım litre süt
275 gr şeker
35 gr.un
bi tutam tuz
biraz margarin
5 yumurta sarısı
1 yumurta
(başka tariflerde ek olarak sıvı krema ve limon suyu da konuluyor tarife..ekstra vanilya)
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milföy parçalarını yalnız ikiye böldüm.1 adedi fazla geliyor..
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